When asked about whether she had performed a miracle.
“I don’t think I’ve cured anyone whatsoever, and besides I haven’t done anything for that reason.” p95.
When offered money
“Oh, no, no. I want to stay poor.” p.138
On The Vision of the Virgin Mary
Q.was she beautiful?
“Oh! Oh! Yes indeed! And even more than that!”
“so lovely that, when you have seen her once, you would willingly die to see her again!”
“How do you know if it’s really the Blessed Virgin who appeared to you, that it’s not an illusion, a trick of the devil?”
“Oh, no! I threw some holy water at her and the apparition made the sign of the cross. She told me. “I am the Immaculate Conception.” and said the rosary with me.” P. 153
Above Quotes from “Bernadette Soubirous: In her own words”. Rene Laurentin.
From Her life as a Nun
The Blessed Virgin did not promise Bernadette happiness in this world but in the next. During her final years on earth, her many physical ailments proved this to be true. Bernadette herself wryly commented.
“The first part of these words is coming true; that I’m holding onto, I’m sure of getting it.”
“It is so good, so sweet and above all, so beneficial to suffer.”
(according to Soeur Dominique Brunet)
“I’m happier with my crucifix on my bed of pain than a queen on her throne.”
“They think I’m a saint… When I’m dead, they’ll come and touch holy pictures and rosaries to me, and all the while I’ll be getting broiled on a grill in purgatory. At least promise me you’ll pray a lot for the repose of my soul.”
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me, a poor sinner.
– Last words of Bernadette Soubirous
From the Private Notes of Bernadette Soubirous
“O Jesus and Mary, let my entire consolation in this world be to love you and to suffer for sinners.”
“O Jesus, I would rather die a thousand deaths than be unfaithful to you!”
“I must die to myself continually and accept trials without complaining. I work, I suffer and I love with no other witness than his heart. Anyone who is not prepared to suffer all for the Beloved and to do his will in all things is not worthy of the sweet name of Friend, for here below, Love without suffering does not exist.”
“I shall spend every moment loving. One who loves does not notice her trials; or perhaps more accurately, she is able to love them.”
“O my Mother, to you I sacrifice all other attachments so that my heart may belong entirely to you and to my Jesus.”
“I shall do everything for Heaven, my true home. There I shall find my Mother in all the splendor of her glory. I shall delight with her in the joy of Jesus himself in perfect safety.”
“From this moment on, anything concerning me is no longer of any interest to me. I must belong entirely to God and God alone. Never to myself.”
Love overcomes, love delights
Those who love the Sacred Heart rejoice.
Jesus, my God, I love you above all things.
– Bernadette Soubirous
From: The Private Notes of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes p29. A Holy Life – Patricia A McEachern
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St. Bernadette Soubirous: 1844-1879
- St. Bernadette Soubirous: 1844-1879 by Francois Trochu at Amazon.com
- St. Bernadette Soubirous: 1844-1879 by Francois Trochu at Amazon.co.uk
St. Bernadette Soubirous: In her own words
- St. Bernadette Soubirous: In her own words by Rene Laurentin at Amazon.com
- St. Bernadette Soubirous: In her own words by Rene Laurentin at Amazon.co.uk