Selected biographies of key politicians from Indian history.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948) The foremost political leader of the Indian independence movement. For over two decades, Gandhi strove for a peaceful overthrow of British rule. Inspired millions with his philosophy, resolve and commitment to independence and also to alleviate the plight of women and the ‘untouchable’ caste.
Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) – The first Prime Minister of an Independent India 1947. Nehru became a very well respected international statesman who steered his country through the difficult period following independence.
Indira Gandhi (1917 – 1984) Prime Minister of the Republic of India for three consecutive terms from 1966 to 1977 and for a fourth term from 1980 until her assassination in 1984.
Narendra Modi (1950 – ) Prime Minister of India since 2014. Modi is the leader of the BJP – a Hindu nationalist who has promised to revitalise India economically and politically.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (1891 – 1956) – Political activist and social reformer who campaigned for greater equality for ‘untouchable castes’ and women.
Sri Aurobindo(1872 – 1950) One of the key figures in the early Indian Independence movement, Aurobindo initiated early efforts at full independence. After his trial, he retreated to Pondicherry to concentrate on spiritual quest and writing epics such as Savitri and Life Divine.
See also
Famous Indians– A list of Indian men and women throughout the ages. Categories include politicians, scientists, sports people, spiritual figures and cultural figures. Includes Mahatma Gandhi, Akbar, Swami Vivekananda and Indira Gandhi.
People who changed the world – Famous people who changed the course of history including Socrates, Newton, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Queen Victoria, Catherine the Great, Einstein and Gandhi.